
你知道嗎?You know what?

花了很多時間上網找中文/台語的翻譯/辭典... I've been spending countless of hours online looking for Chinese/Taiwanese translations...

可是都找不到羅馬拼音的系統....可惡~ But, I can't seem to find a roman-phonetic spelling guide...darn. 

原來想用台語跟你們留言說...嘻嘻... Originally, I had wanted to use Taiwanese to reply to some of your comments...but..hehe..   

ㄅㄟˇ ㄧㄠ ㄍㄧㄣˋ....(沒關係)我盡力了~It's okay, I tried...

(如果你們有些建議,請多提供喔!)(If anyone has any suggestions/tips, please let me know!)

明天是最後兩場過年的表演...Tomorrow marks the last of our Chinese New Year performances, last two performances, both in the same day is all. 

這幾個月下來,說很忙...也沒有那麼忙...說不忙,也真的沒有停下來過...These last couple months have been hectic, but not to the point of utter exhaustion...just non-stop activities to keep me occupied. 

謝謝所有工作同伴~辛苦你們了!(正好過年都可以休息~)My thanks goes out to all the members of my team for all their hard work! You guys deserve the rest!

接下來就要開始多多充實自己...我不想停下來,不要給自己空間懶惰...My next step now is to plan out more ways to keep myself learning and improving...I don't want to come to a full stop...I know myself too well, I'll get lazy!

雖然可以放鬆一點...可是我畢竟還算是學生,我要多學跟我事業有關的...Regardless of the fact that it's time for a break, I still consider myself a student and I would like to be more learned in areas that correspond to my chosen career. (i.e. music composition, instruments, etc.)

至從我來到台灣,放棄學業...Ever since I came to Taiwan and gave up my studies...

我媽咪都很希望我可以同時修學分...同步拿到文憑~My mommy has been hoping that I would resume classes, and finish my credits along with my career. 

我知道大學很重要...上大學不只是在課堂上學習,大學的過程就是個成長的階段~I know college is important. Going to college is not just fulfilling the credits. The college experience is the turning point that helps you grow and mature...

讓我們磨練自己的個性,習慣,思考邏輯~It acquaints you with your own personality, your faults/weaknesses, and your logical train of thought. 

同時讓我們慢慢的適應現實社會的規模...College is a stepping stone that slowly helps you become accustomed/more prepared for the "real world"... 

在高中時,自以為我很成熟...很獨立...In high school, I thought of myself as a mature, and independent individual....

但兩年多後...回想過去...可能我真的太快進入了大人的世界...But, after two years of being on my retrospect, maybe I plunged into the adult world just a little too soon...

我發現自己還是很不懂事...不太會規劃...I've come to realize that, in many ways, I'm still quite immature....unable to see the big picture...

我很需要愛,很需要保護,不能夠獨自生活...I admit, I need to feel loved and protected...I am incapable of living on my own. 

外表常常很愛ㄍㄧㄣ,但內心卻是個小朋友....I may put on a tough exterior...but inside....there's so many weaknesses.

這是我必須面對的事實。This is something that's taken me a while to come to terms with, but it's the honest truth. 

我只能不斷的認錯,繼續往前~At this point, all I can do is admit my faults, learn from them, and continue on ahead...

可能在工作的環境裡會讓許多人抓狂...I've probably driven some of my co-workers crazy with my ever-changing moods, and sporadic behaviors...

先承認我不夠,從零開始學吧...I must first admit my inefficiency, start from scratch. 

重點是,我們都是人。沒有人是完美的~我們只能朝著心目中的完美邁進~I guess what I'm trying to say is...I am human too. None of us are perfect, but we strive to be.

過程當中,一半是快樂...另一半....沒那麼好玩...但是,人生就是如此的精彩~我們一起來吧!Getting there is half the fun...the other half....not so fun...let's do it together. :)


謝謝你們,我的朋友,我的粉絲...你們的支持是我需要的能量~Thank you all, my friends, my fans...Your support is the motivation that keeps me going. 



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