

[Sidenote: Lots of people who are incapable of reading Chinese have expressed their frustration in the form of countless messages....

Therefore, I have decided, from here on out, I will compose my blogs in a bilingual format! It's more work...but ANYTHING for you guys!

Hope you enjoy my blogs!]


我是個急性子~I have no patience~ 

一陣的忙亂終於告個小段落...After a whirlwind of events, I finally have a couple days of rest...

發現自己房間裡的東西已經快爆出我的門口...滿到客廳去了!When I finally stopped and looked, I was horrified to find that my once-tidy room has now become an explosion of messiness!

該整理了!I'm way overdue for a clean-up!

所以我從美國回來就立刻上網定衣櫃...(第一次網路購物喔!)After I returned from my recent trip to New Jersey (Had performed at the Caesar's Palace over Christmas)...I immediately searched online for a portable closet...and an hour later, I made my very FIRST online purchase!

今天早上到貨...(但我下午有演出,只能等到晚上在整理...) (Two days later....) My package arrived this morning, but I have a New Year's performance @ 3pm...so it will just have to wait until after...


原來我室友說要幫我一起組合...她怕我自己看不懂說明...My roommate had offered to help me put it together...she was concerned that i wouldn't be able to understand the directions...



真的有點迷迷麻麻.....Turns out, it's like gibberish! I just stared at it for a good ten minutes....

可是我下午比她先回家....等不及啦!BUT, I really couldn't wait for her to get home from work!

把包裝猜了~開工!I have no patience...no point in being anxious...so I ripped off the wrapper, and got to work!


還真不簡單耶!腰快斷了啦!What did i get myself into?! It really is like reading gibberish! my poor back...so sore!


一大堆不同size的....好難搞呀!All the poles are different sizes....can't....make...it...fit!!!! ahhh...


昨晚因為跨年,才睡三個小時....腦力不足!頭快爆炸了~Due to the back-to-back New Years performances last night, I only slept a total of 3 hours...losing brain power...becoming....dysfunctional...


A1接到A3???....蛤?蝦咪?So, A1 is suppose to connect to A3??? what???


過了兩個半小時....我不放棄!一定完成!I struggled for two and half hours....NOT giving up!


Go TEAM ALISA!!!!ㄟ~成型囉!你看!Go TEAM Alisa!!!!My closet is finally taking shape!!!


HAHA!任務完成!我親手組成我的衣櫃!好有成就感啊~HAHA! Mission accomplished! I SINGLE-HANDILY constructed my first closet! Pretty smug right now!

之後又花了兩個多小時整理衣服....真的有夠可怕!It took another two hours to organize my clothes, and clean out the crap....scary!


但是衣櫃弄整齊...就發現其他空間也需要弄一弄....However, once the closet was tidy...the rest of the room looked bad in comparison...

總之,花了五個小時完成房間"根新"!So...I spent a total of 5 hours to give my room a nice "face lift"....

新年的第一天就是要有新的感覺~Gotta start fresh for the new year!

把舊的都扔掉才有空間給新的嘛!OUT with the old and IN with the new!

洗完澡,終於讓身體休息...Just took a nice hot shower...FINALLY able to relax...

躺在乾淨的房間裡....Laying on my bed...in my clean room....

雖然全身酸痛...但真的是開心的痛!Even though I'm utterly sore from head to toe...I welcome the pain!

爽啊!It "hurts so GOOD" to have a welcoming, and tidy room to come home to after a LONG day!

新年開始了~你準備好了嗎?!It's the start of a new year~Are YOU ready?!






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